Telling the date in Japanese is not awfully complicated. Here is a short summary of how to express the date in Japanese and how to refer to and pronounce the names of the days, months and years. When making plans, appointments, and travel arrangements in Japanese -speaking countries, you need to be able to state dates and other calendar terms in Japanese. Understanding the days of the week, the months of the year, and how to tell time in Japanese can help you to avoid confusion. For example, juuichi-nichi (11th), juuni-nichi (12th), nijuugo-nichi (25th) and so on.

However, 1st through 10th, 14th, 20th and 24th are irregular. JapanCupid has connected thousands of Japanese singles with their matches from around the worl making it one of the most trusted Japanese dating sites. Whether you’re looking for a date or the love of your life, find them in a fun and secure environment on JapanCupid. Saying a date in Japanese is much like saying it in English: You just put the day of the month after the month itself. For instance, if today’s date were November 1 you would say: きょうはじゅういちがつじゅういちにちです (kyou wa juuichigatsu juuichinichi desu).
What’s the date today? If you don’t know the other days of the month yet, please check out our previous lesson. There is a Japanese system of counting era.
The present era is called Heisei, and the last one is Shōwa. The next era begins at the coronation of the new emperor. Both western and the Japanese one are used in daily life. Date and time notation in Japan has historically followed the Japanese calendar and the nengō system of counting years.
RE 4: Let’s not forget selection bias here. Most western dudes who come to Japan and date Japanese women do not have significant Japanese language ability and do not date average Japanese women. There are a lot of Japanese women who feel that they do not fit in with Japanese society and thus they learn English and date foreigners. AsianDate is an International Dating site that brings you exciting introductions and direct communication with Asian women.
Current local time in Japan – Tokyo. First of all, understand that very few Japanese women are interested in dating men of other races. You’re an immigrant, and well, who wants to date those people? Of course, if you hang around in gaijin bars, then yeah, you’ll meet the one-percent of “ Japanese chicks who study English.
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How to Date a Japanese Girl (According to Japanese Girls - Interview) - Duration: 8:21. That Japanese Man Yuta 654views. In Japanese dates , the month comes first, and then the day. If the year is include it comes at the beginning.
Note that the first symbol of the day of the week is sometimes included in parentheses– in this case 火 for 火曜日. Date Japanese Girls - If you are looking for someone to add meaning to your life then our online dating service can help you meet that special someone. Satsuma vases generally depict Japanese themes including scenes of court life, legends and artistic values.
Learn Japanese fruits vocabulary.
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